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Transit Mode Options

The alternative program scenarios feature options with bus rapid transit (BRT) and light rail transit (LRT).

BRT is premium bus service that delivers flexible and convenient transit with an enhanced customer experience.

It can include a range of features that are tailored to fit the community's needs, within available funding resources. If a BRT scenario is selected, CATS will need to conduct a focused study, including planning, design, and stakeholder engagement to define the project, including alignment and station locations.

BRT offers a range of enhanced features:

Frequent On-Time Service

Frequent On-Time Service
Transit Signal Priority

Transit Signal Priority

to Improve Travel Time

Flexible Routes

Flexible Routes
Segments with Dedicated Lanes

Segments with Dedicated Lanes
Enhanced Stations

Enhanced Stations

with Real-Time Service Information

Off-Board Fare Collection

Off-Board Fare Collection
Specialized Bus Vehicles

Specialized Bus Vehicles

View these features in action:

This video highlights the experience offered by BRT systems. It opens with the point of view of a rider on a BRT vehicle in an urban landscape, transitioning to scenes of BRT buses moving through dedicated lanes. On-screen text reads, "Exclusive Right-of-Way," "Bus Only Lane," and "Signal Priority," as buses bypass congested traffic. The scene shifts to modern, well-lit BRT stations with clear signage, followed by close-ups of level platform boarding and all-door boarding, highlighting the system's accessibility features. The screen reads "Defined Stations," "Level Platform Boarding," and "All-Door Boarding."

Next, the video showcases off-board fare collection and fare vending machines, with text displaying "Off-Board Fare Collection" and "Fare Vending." Digital displays at stations show real-time arrival information, and large buses are seen navigating city streets efficiently. The screen reads "Real-Time Arrivals" and "Large Articulated Buses." The video features examples from BRT systems in Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, with on-screen text identifying each city.

Throughout the video, passengers are shown enjoying the service, with the final scenes emphasizing the ease and speed of BRT. The video concludes with the text, "Bypass Traffic Like a Train," "Get There Faster," and "BRT."

LRT is premium, high-capacity rail transit that delivers comfortable, fast, and reliable service.

Like the CATS Blue Line, LRT uses high-capacity rail vehicles, operating on dedicated guideways separated from automobiles, bikes, and other traffic. It offers service throughout the day and on weekends.

LRT offers a rail service, like the Blue Line:

Frequent & Reliable Service

Frequent & Reliable Service
Separation & Priority at Roadway Crossings

Separation & Priority at Roadway Crossings
Fixed Routes on Rail Tracks

Fixed Routes on Rail Tracks
Dedicated Guideway

Dedicated Guideway
Enhanced Stations

Enhanced Stations

with Real-Time Service Information

Off-Board Fare Collection

Off-Board Fare Collection
High Capacity Rail Vehicles

High Capacity Rail Vehicles
Smooth, Comfortable Ride Quality

Smooth, Comfortable Ride Quality


Provide your feedback, contact the project team at:

Phone 704-336-7433

Leave us a voicemail at:

Phone 704-461-4441 (project code 10887)