Four alternative program scenarios have been developed that can be financially feasible and are currently being evaluated.
CATS followed several guiding principles in the development of all four scenarios:

Fiscally Constrained Alternative Program Scenarios
All Scenarios:
In all scenarios:
- The Red Line Commuter Rail Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA), Better Bus systemwide expansion, Gold Line East streetcar extension to Eastland, and Gold Line West streetcar extension to Rosa Parks are included.
- Blue Line light rail platforms will be expanded to accommodate 3-car trains.
- Better Bus accounts for 20% of sales tax.
- Future light rail extensions would be served by enhanced bus until light rail transit (LRT) is extended.
- The endpoints and transit mode for the Silver Line and Blue Line Extension to Pineville / Ballantyne vary in each scenario.
Silver Line and Blue Line Extension Variations
The first scenario represents a phased implementation of currently adopted TSP, which focuses on light rail transit (LRT). The Silver Line LRT would connect the Airport to the Bojangles Coliseum/Ovens Auditorium area, with future extensions planned both east and west.
The Blue Line Extension LRT would extend beyond its current endpoint at the I-485/South Boulevard station to Pineville, ending at Carolina Place Mall, with a future extension to Ballantyne.
The Silver Line West LRT would run from the Airport to 11th Street/Blue Line, while the Silver Line East Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) would connect Charlotte Gateway Station to Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) Levine campus in Matthews.
The Blue Line Extension LRT would extend beyond its current endpoint at the I-485/South Boulevard station to Pineville, ending at Carolina Place Mall, with a future extension to Ballantyne.
The Silver Line corridor would operate as BRT from I-485 in the west to CPCC Levine in the east.
The Blue Line Extension LRT would extend beyond its current endpoint at the I-485/South Boulevard station to Ballantyne.
The Silver Line corridor would operate as BRT from I-485 in the west to CPCC Levine in the east.
Pineville and Ballantyne would be connected with BRT.